Video duration can be increased in 2 ways:
Change your plan to make sure you have the duration limit you want. Plans range in maximum duration from 10 sec to 60 sec. Some other details are available on our Pricing Page.
Use Playable's online Editor to change the duration of an existing clip, but within the maximum duration for your plan.
6 to 60 seconds video duration.
Depending on the plan there are 3 duration limits: 10, 30, & 60 seconds.
We recommend starting with 6-15-second videos to test with your audience.
Reporting gives insights into audiences' viewing habits to improve campaigns.
Long is not always the best! An email is not a place to sit back and watch a movie!
Keep the video tight & focused on the Call To Action (CTA) for the best results.
It helps to be aware of the factors that affect video in email:
Device type. eg mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop, etc.
Email client. eg Apple Mail, Gmail, Outlook, etc.
Network connection. eg WiFi, Mobile/Cellular Network, 3G/4G/5G, etc.
Location/ Geography. eg reception, load balancing, data charges, etc.
Video dimensions. eg Smaller size & duration will play higher-quality video.
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