How To Add Video To Omnisend Email?

Add Video Using Omnisend 's HTML Code Block in Omnisend Marketing

Anthony Mansour avatar
Written by Anthony Mansour
Updated over a week ago

In addition to the Tutorial and Guide below, you can find more helpful information regarding Omnisend on our website.

Video Tutorial

Step-By-Step Guide:

  1. In your Playable account, go to Videos and select the video to add to your Omnisend Email Template.

  2. Click on the Embed tab. and select Omnisend from the dropdown list and hit the Copy To Clipboard button to grab the Embed Code.

  3. In your Omnisend account, go to Campaigns and then click New Campaign.

  4. Choose a Campaign type, and in Campaign Settings write a Subject line.

  5. Choose a template that best suits your Campaign.

  6. On the left side, the HTML block will only be in the first option: Quick add

  7. Hold and drop the HTML block where you want your video featured.

  8. In the right window, highlight all the text and paste our previously copied Embed code.

  9. Now, you will see the error below, but as you'll be able to see, it will not affect how the video works. The video should start playing right now.

    You can now preview or send a test email.

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